About us

The club meets on Saturday mornings 9.30 a.m. - 11.15 a.m. - holds beginners’ sessions and tournaments. The calendar gives dates of these events. Tournaments are being held once a month. The usual venue is Claires Court Juniors School, Cannon Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire. The postcode of the entrance drive is SL6 4QQ. Tournaments will usually be in the sports hall, and beginners’ sessions in the sports hall mezzanine.

Tournament  Entry Form
  • Full names of child entering
  • Boy or Girl
  • Home Postal address
  • Name of school
  • Telephone number
  • Date of birth and age
  • ECF gold membership number
  • Email address
  • Date of event
  • Preferred Section

Entry Fees
£10 by Wednesday before the event
£12 on Thursday before the event
£14 on Friday before the event
£17 on the day
Additional £3 for ECF Bronze members and for ECF non-members

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions:


Entry form 1st March 2025


  • Full names of child entering
  • Boy or Girl
  • Date of birth and age
  • Address and Postcode
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • School
  • Name of School Chess
    Club Organiser (if any)
  • Parents’ Names
  • Name of Person
    Completing this Form
  • Date

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions:


Download form



Chess Tournaments - Results 

Online Cross Tables http://results.utuswiss.co.uk/

General Information


A parent of a new member should complete the Club Registration Form.

All parents should stay with their children or nominate another parent present to be responsible for their child, as adult supervision of children is not provided.

Parents who have a little chess knowledge, are encouraged to help with the chess at beginners’ sessions. The school site is a non-smoking area. The club officers accept no responsibility for any loss, theft or accident.


Information about future events is circulated by email to those who have recently attended a beginners’ session, a tournament or a team event.

Results of tournaments and team events will normally be circulated to those participating in the event.

Parents who wish to stop receiving emails need to inform the club, and parents who are not receiving emails, as their child has not attended recently, need to look at the club website, or ask for emails to be resumed.


To attend the beginners’ sessions the cost is £3.00 per child per session, £5.00 for
two members of one family, and £7 for three members. The cost for entering
tournaments is shown on tournament entry forms. Those invited to play in the
club’s teams do not need to pay for the team events.


The club keeps a computer database of postal addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth of children, schools attended by children and names of parents, and does not provide this to other organisations. Parents need to give permission for the club to give their child’s details to other chess organisations such as other local adult or junior chess clubs, the adult or junior county chess association in the child’s own area, and the English Chess Federation. Children are removed from the active database the year after they reach the age of 18. The club collects data as it has a legitimate interest in doing so. Those who wish to be removed from the database or limit the use of their data should inform Nigel Dennis nigelwdennis@btinternet.com


English Chess Federation junior silver membership must be taken out by those
playing in tournaments and playing in the club’s teams. Free membership up to 31st August of the current year is available for junior players who have not previously been members. For details see “ECF Membership": https://www.englishchess.org.uk/ecf-membership/

First Aid and Child Protection

The club cannot provide first aid to children who might need this. However, the club keeps a first aid kit which can be used by parents.

The child protection policy is on the junior club website, club information page.


Nigel Dennis

 Boundary House, 230 Greys Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 1QY 

Tel (Home) 01491 576052

Email nigelwdennis@btinternet.com

Messages may be left on the home phone answerphone. No mobile number is available.

John Wager

Tel (Home) 0118 932 0127

Email johnwager@hotmail.com

Other Nearby Junior Chess Clubs

Caversham meets at Church House, 57 Church Street, Caversham, Reading, RG4 8AX 
Sundays 9.00a.m. to 11.00a.m.

Website http://www.chesswithdino.co.uk

Uxbridge meets at Ivy Leaf Club (Upstairs), 8 Wellington Road, Uxbridge, UB8 2AP
Mondays 6.00p.m. – 7.30p.m.

Website http://www.uxbridgejuniorchessclub.com

How to find us


At the Maidenhead Thicket junction, where the A404(M) goes under the A4, turn towards Maidenhead along the A4 Bath Road, then right at the next roundabout into Cannon Lane. Go under the bridge, and then immediately right at the mini roundabout, signposted “Claires Court Schools”, into the private road to the school. For Sat-Nav directions, use the postcode SL6 4QQ, which is at the right turn off Cannon Lane. At the end of the private road, go through the school gate and straight ahead to the main school building.